How to Post a Listing
Ready to elevate your wood-selling game? Join WoodGrab today and unlock the full potential of your wood business. Selling on our platform is designed to be straightforward and efficient, empowering you to reach a broader audience and maximize your sales potential. Here’s your step-by-step guide to kickstart your wood-selling journey:
Let’s Get Started!
1. Go To Your Account
After logging into your account, navigate to your account page by clicking “My account” in the top left corner of the screen.
2. Access Your Dashboard
Access your dashboard by clicking the “Vendor Dashboard” button in the center of the screen.
3. Dashboard View
In the dashboard, you can track sales, commission owed, top-selling products, orders awaiting fulfillment, and low- or out-of-stock products.
4. Create A New Product
Hover over “+ New” in the top left corner, and select ‘Product’ from the dropdown menu.
6. Pick An Image
On the right side of the screen, find the “Product Image” pane and choose “Set Product Image” to select and upload a main image for the product.
7. Pick Several Images
If you want to select multiple images to showcase your product, you can upload and select images by clicking “Add Product Gallery Images” in the ‘Product Gallery’ pane.
8. Select Your Product Category
The next pane on the right side of the screen allows you to select your product’s category.
9. Enter Product Information
In the “Product Data” pane, you will find several options:
I. General
Set the price of your item or establish a sale price for it. You can also set a schedule for the period a product’s sale price applies.
II. Inventory
Set an SKU (stock-keeping unit) number and indicate whether you’d like to track the stock of this item. This pane also allows you to limit the number of items per order, the number of items in stock, whether or not to allow back orders, and set a ‘low stock’ threshold to alert you when supplies are low.
III. Shipping
It is crucial to input the correct weight and dimensions accurately so WoodGrab can provide accurate freight estimates.
B. Variable Product
Variable products are items with several different sizes (ex., varied thicknesses of laminate or lengths of lumber) and can have different SKUs, prices, stock options, etc.
I. Inventory
Set an SKU (stock-keeping unit) number and indicate whether you’d like to track the stock of this item. This pane also allows you to limit the number of items per order, the number of items in stock, whether or not to allow back orders, and set a ‘low stock’ threshold to alert you when supplies are low.
II. Shipping
It is crucial to input the correct weight and dimensions accurately so WoodGrab can provide accurate freight estimates.
2. Cross-Sell
On the right side of the screen, click “Set product Image” inside the “Product image” pane to upload and select a main image for the product.
IV. Attributes
The Attributes panel will allow you to add variable attributes to items, including size, color, finish, etc. For example, the attribute “Color” can have the values “Blue | Green | Red | Orange | Yellow”.
Please note that values must be separated with the pipe symbol ” | “.
V. Variations
In the variations pane, you can generate options using every combination of the values from the previous “attribute” pane to make these options available for your customer. Using the example above, you will generate small, medium, large, and extra-large shirts in every color you previously included in the “Attributes” pane.
You will need to input prices, SKUs, photos, and shipping dimentions for each variation inside the respective variation pane.
10. Provide A Product Description
Provide a short description to include essential details about the product and a long product description to give an in-depth explanation of the product.
A. Save a Draft
Save a draft of your item to come back to another time. Please be sure to save a draft even if you have not completed your item, as some data may be lost when revisiting the product.